indeed if we have such a memory in life, moving on perhaps will be a much easier task. alas, no such technology is known... therefore we have to work hard in letting go of the past, treasuring what we have in this moment, and look forward to the future. i always believe the past makes us what we are today, and life experiences (good or bad) can only make us a better and stronger person.
and u... u who is reading my blog. how da hell do i noe u wan to club without me knowing u actually do party??!! hahahaha, pls pls... inform me the next time u r back. we'll cheong till we both drop!! this i promise. =)
actually i dont know what im doing here... haha, cos my eyes were really hurting whilst watching Fantastic 4 with my baby n yes its still sore now. i didn't really fancy watching it if not for him, but guess its quite a funny show after all. bet all the guys (yes, including my dear) has their eyes glued on sexy Jessica Alba (aka Sue Storm, Invisible Woman) in the movie. For those interested to find out more, check out their website:
some eye candy:

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