Man or beast? You can choose Hubby's job to get her 'in the mood'
Letter from Boon Chin AunLetter from Terence LeongLetter from Wilson Wong Uei Shen
Men were born to stray, and independent women today no longer need men to provide for them. So, should we replace marriage with a cohabitation contract? Reader Wilson Wong's letter yesterday drew many strong reactions ? including three from other men ?
I REFER to Mr Wong's letter, "Time to replace marriage with a cohabitation contact?" and Mrs Lam's letter, "Don't blame the other woman if he strays", (Aug22).
Mrs Lam seems to suggest that women should blame themselves when a man strays.
While I understand it does take two hands to clap, the approach of saying that "I am to blame when things go wrong" is not right.
Mr Wong suggests it is inherent in males to "go forth and multiply", and that men cannot be blamed for straying as not doing so is against their nature.
In both instances, what the writers failed to recognise is that what differentiates us as human beings over animals is our ability to exercise choice, and the intelligence to accept responsibility for that choice.
We, as men, choose to get married. With that, we choose to accept the responsibilities and limitations that come with marriage.
If we choose to stray, we do so consciously accepting to break whatever vow we chose to make when we got married. To absolve a man from blame by simplistically saying that when men stray, it's the woman's fault as suggested by Mrs Lam; or that it's natural for men to stray as suggested by Wilson Wong ? is to equate men to nothing more than animals with no means to control themselves or exercise their gift of choice and intelligence.
We are a society of human beings, each governed with a brain that tells us that we should know better. We trust our partners to make the right choice. If it's not to marry, so be it. But if they choose to marry, then they must be held accountable for that choice. This after all, is what makes us human.
Cohabitation is not necessarily better
I AM sure Mr Wong meant well but I would like to point out firstly that cohabitation is not as rosy as one might think.
In the most progressive countries, where cohabitation is the norm, countless studies have shown how cohabitation reduces the quality of intimacy in relationships (for both men and women) in the long run, and deprive women of their rights and protection.
Women who cohabit may think they are holding onto their equality. Unfortunately, they find that, in the long run, men still expect their partners to fulfil traditional roles once the relationship settles in. Thus, if anything, women find themselves in more disadvantaged positions.
I do not see a need to replace the marriage institution with a cohabitation contract. Those who want to cohabit are already free to do so legally.
But those who decide to marry must be responsible enough to recognise that it is not compatible with extra-marital affairs.
People are already free to choose.
There is no need to discredit the marriage institution because some people have not been able to live up to it. Granted, social expectations might continue to become more liberal and more people may opt out of it. Still, let the marriage institution continue for those who want to live up to its ideals and enjoy its benefits.
MY NAMESAKE gave a lot of reasons why men stray, but under scrutiny, his reasons just point to the self-serving mentality that society should guard against.
He noted that women lose their sex drive after a while and focus more on the children.
Husbands, too, should plan time to be alone with their wives, away from the children.
I attribute women's lack of sexual desire to the fact that the men do not spend time alone with their wives, planning romantic dinners or strolls along the beach. If you want sexual desire, create the environment to nurture that desire.
Likewise, wives should stop giving excuses that they are tired (so are the men!).
Mr Wong argues that the law here does not help the men. But it is precisely the act of adultery by such inconsiderate men that requires the existence of such a law.
A marriage is by far the most emotionally satisfying institution that men and women could have. But for marriage to work, it will take men to dig deep into the emotional well to connect with their wives.
If one cannot even uphold the terms and conditions of a marriage, how then can I trust a person to uphold the terms and conditions of a cohabitation contract?
Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things. ~ Robert Brault
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Time to replace marriage with a cohabitation contract?
An article published in Today! newspaper - 23 Aug 2005
Women should expect less from their man and understand that philandering is in his nature
Letter from Wilson Wong
I refer to the report, "Stay away from my husband, you hear!" (Aug 19) and the letter "Don't blame the other woman if he strays" (Aug 22) by Mrs Lam.
I am nearing middle age and all of my male friends are married ? most with children.
When we get together, we always reminisce about the days gone by and take stock of what's left of our lives. And almost inevitably we end up talking about women in general and our wives in particular.
I discovered, at first to my shock, how commonplace it was that so many of my friends cheated on their wives.
Most confessed to doing so mostly on business trips, but others also told me that they had flings nearer home ? usually with their colleagues.
These friends have no intention to file for divorce or pursue a life with the "other" woman.
Mrs Lam has correctly identified the key reason why they do this ? after marriage and especially after childbirth, wives lose their sexual drive, creating a pent-up desire in men who are used to a higher degree of physical sexual expression.
This gets worse when the children are born, as wives not only lose their shape but also spend almost all their time and energy on the kids, almost ignoring their husbands.
So, is this an excuse for men to stray?
It depends on the age-old "nature-vs-nurture" debate and whether the male of a species conditioned to "go forth and multiply" can ? by sheer exercise of discipline ? curb his natural need to keep sowing his seed.
And it seems the older a man gets, and the more he is confronted with his mortality, the more he desires to prove ? both to himself and maybe even his friends ? that he is still able to "perform".
Certainly, all men stray if not physically, at least psychologically ? by either looking at attractive women, watching porn or even fantasising about sex with others.
Traditions of love and marriage are nice. But reading all the letters and various discussions on the matter, I am tempted to say ? and I know that this will cause controversy ? that there is nothing to recommend marriage to a man.
Certainly not in law, where men always lose out in marriage, and neither in reality, where men face self-imposed restrictions on their natural tendencies.
Looking back, almost all my friends regret the act of marriage. Given a second chance, most would rather cohabit ? not least because the legal consequences are less serious.
The concept of marriage was intended to protect women: It does nothing for the man. But times have changed and with the growing affluence of women, there is no longer a need for a man to provide for a woman.
Mrs Lam's letter may have struck a cord. Is it time for women to expect less from their man? To realise and even to expect that their man cannot, by nature, only have one woman for ever and ever?
Is it time for the concept of marriage to be done away with, and be replaced with a contract where both parties negotiate the terms of their cohabitation? Even to the extent where each party may have an allowable number of affairs a year?
As times change, maybe social expectation should too.
have our values really changed with the times? perhaps this is the answer to my curiosity on faithfulness and monogamy in a marriage.
in the writer's words: Certainly, all men stray if not physically, at least psychologically ? by either looking at attractive women, watching porn or even fantasising about sex with others. honestly, i doubt guys think of the above act as straying psychologically because to them their opinion is: "i'm just looking wat, its harmless. its not as if i am cheating on u and at the end of the day, ur the woman i love and i want to be with u."
but they will never be able to see from the woman's point of view, that it might be a form of hurt inflicted on their loved ones, no matter how much reassurance is given.
if a couple cannot remain committed to the other party, i feel marriage shouldnt be on the plate and no one should wed out of society / parental pressure bcos at the end of the day, both parties will suffer n be miserable. "a cohabitation contract" will probably work for all who still remain and wish to keep their options open.
Women should expect less from their man and understand that philandering is in his nature
Letter from Wilson Wong
I refer to the report, "Stay away from my husband, you hear!" (Aug 19) and the letter "Don't blame the other woman if he strays" (Aug 22) by Mrs Lam.
I am nearing middle age and all of my male friends are married ? most with children.
When we get together, we always reminisce about the days gone by and take stock of what's left of our lives. And almost inevitably we end up talking about women in general and our wives in particular.
I discovered, at first to my shock, how commonplace it was that so many of my friends cheated on their wives.
Most confessed to doing so mostly on business trips, but others also told me that they had flings nearer home ? usually with their colleagues.
These friends have no intention to file for divorce or pursue a life with the "other" woman.
Mrs Lam has correctly identified the key reason why they do this ? after marriage and especially after childbirth, wives lose their sexual drive, creating a pent-up desire in men who are used to a higher degree of physical sexual expression.
This gets worse when the children are born, as wives not only lose their shape but also spend almost all their time and energy on the kids, almost ignoring their husbands.
So, is this an excuse for men to stray?
It depends on the age-old "nature-vs-nurture" debate and whether the male of a species conditioned to "go forth and multiply" can ? by sheer exercise of discipline ? curb his natural need to keep sowing his seed.
And it seems the older a man gets, and the more he is confronted with his mortality, the more he desires to prove ? both to himself and maybe even his friends ? that he is still able to "perform".
Certainly, all men stray if not physically, at least psychologically ? by either looking at attractive women, watching porn or even fantasising about sex with others.
Traditions of love and marriage are nice. But reading all the letters and various discussions on the matter, I am tempted to say ? and I know that this will cause controversy ? that there is nothing to recommend marriage to a man.
Certainly not in law, where men always lose out in marriage, and neither in reality, where men face self-imposed restrictions on their natural tendencies.
Looking back, almost all my friends regret the act of marriage. Given a second chance, most would rather cohabit ? not least because the legal consequences are less serious.
The concept of marriage was intended to protect women: It does nothing for the man. But times have changed and with the growing affluence of women, there is no longer a need for a man to provide for a woman.
Mrs Lam's letter may have struck a cord. Is it time for women to expect less from their man? To realise and even to expect that their man cannot, by nature, only have one woman for ever and ever?
Is it time for the concept of marriage to be done away with, and be replaced with a contract where both parties negotiate the terms of their cohabitation? Even to the extent where each party may have an allowable number of affairs a year?
As times change, maybe social expectation should too.
have our values really changed with the times? perhaps this is the answer to my curiosity on faithfulness and monogamy in a marriage.
in the writer's words: Certainly, all men stray if not physically, at least psychologically ? by either looking at attractive women, watching porn or even fantasising about sex with others. honestly, i doubt guys think of the above act as straying psychologically because to them their opinion is: "i'm just looking wat, its harmless. its not as if i am cheating on u and at the end of the day, ur the woman i love and i want to be with u."
but they will never be able to see from the woman's point of view, that it might be a form of hurt inflicted on their loved ones, no matter how much reassurance is given.
if a couple cannot remain committed to the other party, i feel marriage shouldnt be on the plate and no one should wed out of society / parental pressure bcos at the end of the day, both parties will suffer n be miserable. "a cohabitation contract" will probably work for all who still remain and wish to keep their options open.
Monday, August 22, 2005
heartfelt thanks
i've just turned officially 1/4 of a century old today... hahaha! guess age is really catching up, bcos this day started off with me having the "its-jus-another-day" mentality... it has nothing special in it anymore. on saying this, i want to express my heartfelt thanks to the following special people in my life that have made a difference. this day is special + memorable because of the difference that each and everyone has made, and it means alot to me. words may never be enuf to express my gratitude, but just want to noe tt all of ur thoughts are very much appreciated, and i thank God for the blessed presence of all of you in my life.
u may have heard it a thousand times from me, so doesn't hurt to hear it again eh. i'll like to thank and show appreciation to:-
- Agnes: for sending me a message on friendster even before u have left for sydney! i noe ur enjoying ur hols there right now, so we'll catch up when u + xiaofu are back!
- Patricia: for the loving words of encouragement that you have written to me, and to prepare a gift for me despite ur heavy work schedule
- Verene: for ur sms at 23:57. i noe ur bz with ur event gal, so as promised, we'll make it up after ur NTU saga! hehe.
- Alvin: for ur sms at 07:45 and ur call later on in the afternoon. i noe u have an especially selective memory, so really "honoured" tt im at least on this day, in the selected category. =P
- Marion: for ur sms at 09:01. surprised tt u actually got to be aware of my bdae, thankful for the thoughts n efforts in sending me the well wishes.
- Stella: for ur sms at 09:43. thanks for making a point to remember this day every year. :)
- David: for ur sms at 09:53 all day way frm Dubai. much much appreciated. i noe it takes alot of effort for u to rembr + u must have stored da date somewhere to remind u. heh.
- Jim: for ur sms at 10:03. haha i noe u took big risks to message me in the day whilst stuck in camp. we miss u guyz, catch up soon.
- Edgar: for ur call in the afternoon. though it ended halfway for no apparent reason (foneline got disconnected)... haha, hope you got my message anyway.
- Wei Kiat: for ur message on friendster. thanks for taking the effort to drop me a message.
- Joanne: for ur sms at 11:23. after all these years, u still rembred!
- Kay: for ur sms at 16:02. haha, my insurance agent...
- Kaili: for ur sms at 16:10. i noe Junjie planned something, sorry it didnt work out last minute but appreciated the thoughts. really sweet.
- Irene: for ur sms at 17:51. i thought ill nv hear from u but deep down i noe u rembred. and thank u gal, for taking the time to send me a text despite having to take care of your 2 bao-beis. and thanks for being my support all these years even though we do not often have the luxury of time to meet up as much as we'd like to these days.
- Jillyn: for ur sms at 17:56. haha, ur instincts didnt fail u!
- Junjie: for ur sms n msn messages.... and for the very very sweet efforts that you had initially planned for me. i'm truly sorry that it didnt work out, due to the last minute changes, but knowing tt u had wanted to plan a special evening is more den enuf.
- Ivan, Uncle John + Aunt Cindy: for ur sms at 20:10. ur constant encouragement and support is much appreciated.
- Xinying: for ur sms at 21:36.
- Kyn: for ur msn message. thanks for taking time to do it, despite ur hectic work schedule which i noe ur being put through. hope you get back to sg soon so that we can catch up and have a good time together yeah!
- Yanting: for ur msn message.
- Caden: for ur call! haha... nice to hear from u after such a long while.
- Rachel: for ur msn message. actually no i didnt think u forgot, but i thought u didnt noe! haha, anyway i noe u did pass on this info to the boyz so tt they can send me their well wishes, so on tt note, thanks for being the informal messenger... haha.. be strong girl, u noe we'll always be there for u when u need a shoulder to lean on. the desk beside me is still empty, so feel free to come occupy it when u need it. hehe.
- Desmond: for ur msn message, even though u needed the alarm to remind u... haha but well u bothered to make a note, and that touched me.
- Helen: for ur msn message. thank u for making the effort to wait for me to be online. and im glad we have finally faced up to probs we have avoided before. thanks for cherishing our friendship the same way i do, and we'll meet up when u do come back for ur graduation soon.
My following colleagues at work who at my "request" gave me what i needed on my bdae. an external hard drive. and i really hope they did not spend too much as i noe everyone has a budget to keep to. rest aasure that this gift will be treasured and used till the end of time. =D
- Karis: for ur sms at 00:15, and for ur constant / relentless support u have given me each time i have turned to u for a listening ear.
- Jeanette + Larry: for ur sms at 01:24. i believe we will have an enjoyable bali trip!
- Eileen (my ai-ren): for ur sms at 08:22 + making the trip to prepare the cake for me.
- Leon: for accompanying ai-ren to get the cake for me. heh.
- Li Hwee: for ur sms at 09:02 and ur e-card. haha... and "tuo ni de fu", I didnt have another chocolate cake to eat at night (thankfully)... hehehe
- Megan: for ur sms at 09:55, even though ur sick and on medical leave.
- Kippy: for making the special trip down to sim lim to get the hard drive over the weekend, and offering me the tea when i was so bloated from lunch. *much appreciated*
- Delaine: for the present and the scrumptious lunch we had, and haha another reason for u to rembr my birthdae cos u've only got to rembr the month =P
- Elyn: for the present, the scrumptious lunch we had and the ecard. hehe, no kidding about ur turn coming soon, so better start wrecking ur brains to see what we can get for ya! heh.
- Debbie: for the present and the email with the well wishes.
I'll like to thank my mum + her friend who brought me and Sam for dinner. Though it was a simple affair, but I appreciate them for taking the time off and trouble to have this dinner with me.
And lastly, i'll like to thank my dearest bf Sam, for he took leave to keep me company (when i least expected it, bcos he was spposed to be on duty) and to me, this is priceless. Even though we are going through a period where sometimes even we are lost and dumbfounded as to how things can go so wrong, i still love you. and im looking forward to the bali trip to really create a memorable trip for both of us. *hugs*
Some photos taken during lunch:

the superlicious yummy nummy chocolate cake. just for me.

striking a "cute" pose whilst they sing the birthday song for me

posing with the chocolate in hand, capturing its last moments before its being chowed down

thats the external hard drive beneath the nicely wrapped packaging! haha, can i qualify to be a model for product promotions? i seem to be doing it quite nicely in this pic *if i say so* hahaha.
u may have heard it a thousand times from me, so doesn't hurt to hear it again eh. i'll like to thank and show appreciation to:-
- Agnes: for sending me a message on friendster even before u have left for sydney! i noe ur enjoying ur hols there right now, so we'll catch up when u + xiaofu are back!
- Patricia: for the loving words of encouragement that you have written to me, and to prepare a gift for me despite ur heavy work schedule
- Verene: for ur sms at 23:57. i noe ur bz with ur event gal, so as promised, we'll make it up after ur NTU saga! hehe.
- Alvin: for ur sms at 07:45 and ur call later on in the afternoon. i noe u have an especially selective memory, so really "honoured" tt im at least on this day, in the selected category. =P
- Marion: for ur sms at 09:01. surprised tt u actually got to be aware of my bdae, thankful for the thoughts n efforts in sending me the well wishes.
- Stella: for ur sms at 09:43. thanks for making a point to remember this day every year. :)
- David: for ur sms at 09:53 all day way frm Dubai. much much appreciated. i noe it takes alot of effort for u to rembr + u must have stored da date somewhere to remind u. heh.
- Jim: for ur sms at 10:03. haha i noe u took big risks to message me in the day whilst stuck in camp. we miss u guyz, catch up soon.
- Edgar: for ur call in the afternoon. though it ended halfway for no apparent reason (foneline got disconnected)... haha, hope you got my message anyway.
- Wei Kiat: for ur message on friendster. thanks for taking the effort to drop me a message.
- Joanne: for ur sms at 11:23. after all these years, u still rembred!
- Kay: for ur sms at 16:02. haha, my insurance agent...
- Kaili: for ur sms at 16:10. i noe Junjie planned something, sorry it didnt work out last minute but appreciated the thoughts. really sweet.
- Irene: for ur sms at 17:51. i thought ill nv hear from u but deep down i noe u rembred. and thank u gal, for taking the time to send me a text despite having to take care of your 2 bao-beis. and thanks for being my support all these years even though we do not often have the luxury of time to meet up as much as we'd like to these days.
- Jillyn: for ur sms at 17:56. haha, ur instincts didnt fail u!
- Junjie: for ur sms n msn messages.... and for the very very sweet efforts that you had initially planned for me. i'm truly sorry that it didnt work out, due to the last minute changes, but knowing tt u had wanted to plan a special evening is more den enuf.
- Ivan, Uncle John + Aunt Cindy: for ur sms at 20:10. ur constant encouragement and support is much appreciated.
- Xinying: for ur sms at 21:36.
- Kyn: for ur msn message. thanks for taking time to do it, despite ur hectic work schedule which i noe ur being put through. hope you get back to sg soon so that we can catch up and have a good time together yeah!
- Yanting: for ur msn message.
- Caden: for ur call! haha... nice to hear from u after such a long while.
- Rachel: for ur msn message. actually no i didnt think u forgot, but i thought u didnt noe! haha, anyway i noe u did pass on this info to the boyz so tt they can send me their well wishes, so on tt note, thanks for being the informal messenger... haha.. be strong girl, u noe we'll always be there for u when u need a shoulder to lean on. the desk beside me is still empty, so feel free to come occupy it when u need it. hehe.
- Desmond: for ur msn message, even though u needed the alarm to remind u... haha but well u bothered to make a note, and that touched me.
- Helen: for ur msn message. thank u for making the effort to wait for me to be online. and im glad we have finally faced up to probs we have avoided before. thanks for cherishing our friendship the same way i do, and we'll meet up when u do come back for ur graduation soon.
My following colleagues at work who at my "request" gave me what i needed on my bdae. an external hard drive. and i really hope they did not spend too much as i noe everyone has a budget to keep to. rest aasure that this gift will be treasured and used till the end of time. =D
- Karis: for ur sms at 00:15, and for ur constant / relentless support u have given me each time i have turned to u for a listening ear.
- Jeanette + Larry: for ur sms at 01:24. i believe we will have an enjoyable bali trip!
- Eileen (my ai-ren): for ur sms at 08:22 + making the trip to prepare the cake for me.
- Leon: for accompanying ai-ren to get the cake for me. heh.
- Li Hwee: for ur sms at 09:02 and ur e-card. haha... and "tuo ni de fu", I didnt have another chocolate cake to eat at night (thankfully)... hehehe
- Megan: for ur sms at 09:55, even though ur sick and on medical leave.
- Kippy: for making the special trip down to sim lim to get the hard drive over the weekend, and offering me the tea when i was so bloated from lunch. *much appreciated*
- Delaine: for the present and the scrumptious lunch we had, and haha another reason for u to rembr my birthdae cos u've only got to rembr the month =P
- Elyn: for the present, the scrumptious lunch we had and the ecard. hehe, no kidding about ur turn coming soon, so better start wrecking ur brains to see what we can get for ya! heh.
- Debbie: for the present and the email with the well wishes.
I'll like to thank my mum + her friend who brought me and Sam for dinner. Though it was a simple affair, but I appreciate them for taking the time off and trouble to have this dinner with me.
And lastly, i'll like to thank my dearest bf Sam, for he took leave to keep me company (when i least expected it, bcos he was spposed to be on duty) and to me, this is priceless. Even though we are going through a period where sometimes even we are lost and dumbfounded as to how things can go so wrong, i still love you. and im looking forward to the bali trip to really create a memorable trip for both of us. *hugs*
Some photos taken during lunch:

the superlicious yummy nummy chocolate cake. just for me.

striking a "cute" pose whilst they sing the birthday song for me

posing with the chocolate in hand, capturing its last moments before its being chowed down

thats the external hard drive beneath the nicely wrapped packaging! haha, can i qualify to be a model for product promotions? i seem to be doing it quite nicely in this pic *if i say so* hahaha.
Friday, August 19, 2005
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Funny web games to try n links to view when bored
Super Mario
Back to the future
Hilarious advert
Super Mario
Back to the future
Hilarious advert
The Shower Test
When you step into a shower, which part of the body do you wash first?
A. Chest B. Face C. Armpits D. Hair E. Private F. Shoulders G. Others
Pinkie: D. Hair
A. Chest: You are a practical person. Straightforward and do not beat around the bush. To you, convenience is of paramount importance. You hate to be distracted when concentrating and are impatient with people who do not see things your way. A good sex partner and willing to try new things. Your best partner in life will be those who choose D (Hair).
B. Face: Money is important to you and you will do anything to get it. Integrity and dignity is not important. You feel that friends are there to be used and life is one big hassle. Other people find it hard to understand you, but you are not concerned as to what they think. Very self-centered person. Average sex partner as too selfish and tend to be absorbed in self pleasure at the expense of your partner. Your best partner in life will be those who choose E (Private) and G (Others).
C. Armpits: You are a dependable and hard working person. Generally very popular person as you are very down to earth and willing to help others. Tend to get yourself into trouble as you cannot tell whether people are genuine towards you. Make very poor sex partners as you are the working type with average talent. Your best partner in life will be those who choose F (Shoulders).
D. Hair: Artistic type. Daydreaming is your hobby, but you can achieve what most other people cannot. Dedication is lacking, but you will work tirelessly towards goals which are to your liking. Money is not important. Friends are but only intellectuals and fellow artistic types. Make the best sex partners as you are most willing to explore and please ther other partner. Talent is your main strength. Your best partner in life will be those who chose A (Chest) and E (Private).
E. Private Shy type. You lack self confidence and tend to be bullied by others. You do not have lots of friends as others find you boring and unattractive. Perserverance is not your strength and you tend to give up easily and at the first opportunity. However, you make an above average sex partner. You are able to show your true emotions to very few people. Hence in sex, you find your inner strengths. Your best sex partner in life will be those who choose B (Face) and D (Hair).
F. Shoulder: A born loser. You fail in everything that you do. People dislike you and you tend to spend your time alone. Your type have been known to be heavy gamblers and drinkers. You see the world as a living hell. Money and power is also important to you. But your luck will always fail you. You make a lousy sex partner. You will find it difficult to find a partner in life. Those who choose C (Armpits) are your only chance.
G. Others: You are a very average person. Undoubtedly, you have your inner strengths, but people find it hard to see. You must learn to be a little bit more adventurous and see your potential. Deep down, you are very likeable person with very few faults. However, the key will be to make your strengts stand out and not just hide your weaknessess. You are an average sex partner. You have great fantasies about different techniques, but unfortunately are not brave enough to try them out. Your best partner in life will be those who choose B (Face).
When you step into a shower, which part of the body do you wash first?
A. Chest B. Face C. Armpits D. Hair E. Private F. Shoulders G. Others
Pinkie: D. Hair
A. Chest: You are a practical person. Straightforward and do not beat around the bush. To you, convenience is of paramount importance. You hate to be distracted when concentrating and are impatient with people who do not see things your way. A good sex partner and willing to try new things. Your best partner in life will be those who choose D (Hair).
B. Face: Money is important to you and you will do anything to get it. Integrity and dignity is not important. You feel that friends are there to be used and life is one big hassle. Other people find it hard to understand you, but you are not concerned as to what they think. Very self-centered person. Average sex partner as too selfish and tend to be absorbed in self pleasure at the expense of your partner. Your best partner in life will be those who choose E (Private) and G (Others).
C. Armpits: You are a dependable and hard working person. Generally very popular person as you are very down to earth and willing to help others. Tend to get yourself into trouble as you cannot tell whether people are genuine towards you. Make very poor sex partners as you are the working type with average talent. Your best partner in life will be those who choose F (Shoulders).
D. Hair: Artistic type. Daydreaming is your hobby, but you can achieve what most other people cannot. Dedication is lacking, but you will work tirelessly towards goals which are to your liking. Money is not important. Friends are but only intellectuals and fellow artistic types. Make the best sex partners as you are most willing to explore and please ther other partner. Talent is your main strength. Your best partner in life will be those who chose A (Chest) and E (Private).
E. Private Shy type. You lack self confidence and tend to be bullied by others. You do not have lots of friends as others find you boring and unattractive. Perserverance is not your strength and you tend to give up easily and at the first opportunity. However, you make an above average sex partner. You are able to show your true emotions to very few people. Hence in sex, you find your inner strengths. Your best sex partner in life will be those who choose B (Face) and D (Hair).
F. Shoulder: A born loser. You fail in everything that you do. People dislike you and you tend to spend your time alone. Your type have been known to be heavy gamblers and drinkers. You see the world as a living hell. Money and power is also important to you. But your luck will always fail you. You make a lousy sex partner. You will find it difficult to find a partner in life. Those who choose C (Armpits) are your only chance.
G. Others: You are a very average person. Undoubtedly, you have your inner strengths, but people find it hard to see. You must learn to be a little bit more adventurous and see your potential. Deep down, you are very likeable person with very few faults. However, the key will be to make your strengts stand out and not just hide your weaknessess. You are an average sex partner. You have great fantasies about different techniques, but unfortunately are not brave enough to try them out. Your best partner in life will be those who choose B (Face).
Monday, August 15, 2005
email saga continues...
I AM TOTALLY LEFT SPEECHLESS. why dont U try to call to verify.... PIECE OF SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!! ARGH?!??!?!??!?!?!?!??!??!?!??!?!?!?!?
-----Original Message-----
From: H
Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 5:08 PM
To: C; S; B
Cc: M
Subject: RE: MSFWSPL
Hum?. Spoken to the recep this morning still around lei!!!!!!!
-----Original Message-----
From: CEL
Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 4:33 PM
To: H; S; B
Cc: M
Subject: RE: MSFWSPL
He went outstation. Back only Fri, 19 Aug.
-----Original Message-----
From: H
Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 5:08 PM
To: C; S; B
Cc: M
Subject: RE: MSFWSPL
Hum?. Spoken to the recep this morning still around lei!!!!!!!
-----Original Message-----
From: CEL
Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 4:33 PM
To: H; S; B
Cc: M
Subject: RE: MSFWSPL
He went outstation. Back only Fri, 19 Aug.
shithead!! honestly wtf does he do in his office we wonder.... my tolerance level for him is diminishing to beyond zilch!!
hello?!??!?! u r a F$*#&($*#&( sales personnel... u r supposed to be in CONTROL n aware of all these potential contacts!! so wtf have u been doing??!?! asking me to find out the contact when:
1. u should have the sales card (ok granted ur sales cards r in a mess and u DONT ever bother to tidy them up & much less UPDATE them)
2. u have access to our database (alright, i take it you're too dumb / plain lazy to click a few times on the mouse for you to access the blardy folder)
3. what is the internet yellow pages for?!?!?!?!?
and as i was writing this, he had to come back with the following reply!!!! oh so now u have appts, and the ball now gets thrown back into my freaking court and becomes MY responsibility... HEY, so why dont me and M get a share of ur pay so that we can justify the amount of SHITWORK we r handling instead of u!!!!
fucking imcompetent arse. i am pissed.
-----Original Message-----
From: H
Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 9:59 AM
To: C; T; B
Cc: M
Subject: RE: MSFWSPL
Please help me to follow up with him call him twice this morning he is either on the line now in meeting. I need to go for appt. Thanks
-----Original Message-----
From: CEL
Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 9:41 AM
To: H; S; B
Cc: M
Subject: RE: MSFWSPL
*i replied with contact details*
-----Original Message-----
From: H
Sent: Saturday, August 13, 2005 10:23 AM
To: T; B; CEL
Cc: M
Subject: RE: MSFWSPL
No I have not.
CEL -Please get me the number for MSFWSPL, I will contract them
-----Original Message-----
From: S
Sent: Friday, August 12, 2005 8:23 PM
To: B; H; CEL
Cc: M
Subject: RE: MSFWSPL
Hi H
Have you already contacted them? Thanks
-----Original Message-----
From: B
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2005 4:43 PM
To: S; H; CEL
Cc: M
Subject: MSFWSPL
Dear All
Can someone get in contact with the above company regarding "our show" for the SP.
I have an appointment schedule with their local marketing director Mr XXX on xx date at xx Hrs.
Sounds prospective.
hello?!??!?! u r a F$*#&($*#&( sales personnel... u r supposed to be in CONTROL n aware of all these potential contacts!! so wtf have u been doing??!?! asking me to find out the contact when:
1. u should have the sales card (ok granted ur sales cards r in a mess and u DONT ever bother to tidy them up & much less UPDATE them)
2. u have access to our database (alright, i take it you're too dumb / plain lazy to click a few times on the mouse for you to access the blardy folder)
3. what is the internet yellow pages for?!?!?!?!?
and as i was writing this, he had to come back with the following reply!!!! oh so now u have appts, and the ball now gets thrown back into my freaking court and becomes MY responsibility... HEY, so why dont me and M get a share of ur pay so that we can justify the amount of SHITWORK we r handling instead of u!!!!
fucking imcompetent arse. i am pissed.
-----Original Message-----
From: H
Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 9:59 AM
To: C; T; B
Cc: M
Subject: RE: MSFWSPL
Please help me to follow up with him call him twice this morning he is either on the line now in meeting. I need to go for appt. Thanks
-----Original Message-----
From: CEL
Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 9:41 AM
To: H; S; B
Cc: M
Subject: RE: MSFWSPL
*i replied with contact details*
-----Original Message-----
From: H
Sent: Saturday, August 13, 2005 10:23 AM
To: T; B; CEL
Cc: M
Subject: RE: MSFWSPL
No I have not.
CEL -Please get me the number for MSFWSPL, I will contract them
-----Original Message-----
From: S
Sent: Friday, August 12, 2005 8:23 PM
To: B; H; CEL
Cc: M
Subject: RE: MSFWSPL
Hi H
Have you already contacted them? Thanks
-----Original Message-----
From: B
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2005 4:43 PM
To: S; H; CEL
Cc: M
Subject: MSFWSPL
Dear All
Can someone get in contact with the above company regarding "our show" for the SP.
I have an appointment schedule with their local marketing director Mr XXX on xx date at xx Hrs.
Sounds prospective.
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Adultery happens when you start looking for what you don't have.
"Wow, this girl in my office is a real looker. But it's not her Wynona
Rider features that got me. I'm crazy about her because she's also
understanding, intelligent, tender - so many things that my spouse is
Somewhere along the way, you'll find a woman or a man who will be more
charming or sensitive. More alluring. More thoughtful. Richer. Have
greater sex appeal.
And you will find a woman or a man who will need you and pursue you
and go loco over you more than your spouse ever did. Because no wife or
husband is perfect. Because a spouse will only have 90% of what you're
looking for. So adultery takes place when a husband or wife looks for the missing 10%.
Let's say your wife is melancholic by nature. You may find yourself
drawn to the pretty clerk who has a cherry laugh no matter what she
says : "I broke my arm yesterday, Hahahaha......"
Or because your wife is a homebody in slippers and pyjamas, smelling
of garlic and fish oil, you may fall for a fresh-smelling young sales
representative that visits your office in a sharp black blazer, high
heels, and a red pencil-cut skirt.
Or because your husband is the quiet type, your heart may skip a beat
when you meet an old college flame who has the makings of a talk show
BUT WAIT! That's only 10% of what you don't have. Don't throw away the
90% that you already have!
That represents all the years that you have been with each other.
The storms you have weathered together.
The unforgettable moments of sadness and joy as a couple.
The many adjustments you have made to love each other.
The wealth of memories that you've accumulated as lovers.
Adultery happens when you start looking for what you don't have.
But faithfulness happens when you THANK GOD for what you already have.
But I'm not just talking about marriage. I'm talking about life!
About jobs.
About your friends.
About your children.
About your lifestyles.
Are you like the economy airline passenger that perennially peeks
through the door of the first class cabin, obsessed with what he's
"They have got more leg room! Oh my, their food is served in
Wow, their seats recline at an 80% angle and they've got personal
videos!" I guarantee you'll be miserable for the entire trip!
Don't live your life like that. Forget about what the world says is
first class.
Do you know that there are many first class passengers who are
miserable in first class - because they're not riding in a private Lear Jet?
The main message :
If you start appreciating what you have right now, wherever you are IS
first class!
May your day be filled with blessings like the sun that lights the sky.
And may you always have the courage to spread your wings and fly!
"Wow, this girl in my office is a real looker. But it's not her Wynona
Rider features that got me. I'm crazy about her because she's also
understanding, intelligent, tender - so many things that my spouse is
Somewhere along the way, you'll find a woman or a man who will be more
charming or sensitive. More alluring. More thoughtful. Richer. Have
greater sex appeal.
And you will find a woman or a man who will need you and pursue you
and go loco over you more than your spouse ever did. Because no wife or
husband is perfect. Because a spouse will only have 90% of what you're
looking for. So adultery takes place when a husband or wife looks for the missing 10%.
Let's say your wife is melancholic by nature. You may find yourself
drawn to the pretty clerk who has a cherry laugh no matter what she
says : "I broke my arm yesterday, Hahahaha......"
Or because your wife is a homebody in slippers and pyjamas, smelling
of garlic and fish oil, you may fall for a fresh-smelling young sales
representative that visits your office in a sharp black blazer, high
heels, and a red pencil-cut skirt.
Or because your husband is the quiet type, your heart may skip a beat
when you meet an old college flame who has the makings of a talk show
BUT WAIT! That's only 10% of what you don't have. Don't throw away the
90% that you already have!
That represents all the years that you have been with each other.
The storms you have weathered together.
The unforgettable moments of sadness and joy as a couple.
The many adjustments you have made to love each other.
The wealth of memories that you've accumulated as lovers.
Adultery happens when you start looking for what you don't have.
But faithfulness happens when you THANK GOD for what you already have.
But I'm not just talking about marriage. I'm talking about life!
About jobs.
About your friends.
About your children.
About your lifestyles.
Are you like the economy airline passenger that perennially peeks
through the door of the first class cabin, obsessed with what he's
"They have got more leg room! Oh my, their food is served in
Wow, their seats recline at an 80% angle and they've got personal
videos!" I guarantee you'll be miserable for the entire trip!
Don't live your life like that. Forget about what the world says is
first class.
Do you know that there are many first class passengers who are
miserable in first class - because they're not riding in a private Lear Jet?
The main message :
If you start appreciating what you have right now, wherever you are IS
first class!
May your day be filled with blessings like the sun that lights the sky.
And may you always have the courage to spread your wings and fly!
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