u may have heard it a thousand times from me, so doesn't hurt to hear it again eh. i'll like to thank and show appreciation to:-
- Agnes: for sending me a message on friendster even before u have left for sydney! i noe ur enjoying ur hols there right now, so we'll catch up when u + xiaofu are back!
- Patricia: for the loving words of encouragement that you have written to me, and to prepare a gift for me despite ur heavy work schedule
- Verene: for ur sms at 23:57. i noe ur bz with ur event gal, so as promised, we'll make it up after ur NTU saga! hehe.
- Alvin: for ur sms at 07:45 and ur call later on in the afternoon. i noe u have an especially selective memory, so really "honoured" tt im at least on this day, in the selected category. =P
- Marion: for ur sms at 09:01. surprised tt u actually got to be aware of my bdae, thankful for the thoughts n efforts in sending me the well wishes.
- Stella: for ur sms at 09:43. thanks for making a point to remember this day every year. :)
- David: for ur sms at 09:53 all day way frm Dubai. much much appreciated. i noe it takes alot of effort for u to rembr + u must have stored da date somewhere to remind u. heh.
- Jim: for ur sms at 10:03. haha i noe u took big risks to message me in the day whilst stuck in camp. we miss u guyz, catch up soon.
- Edgar: for ur call in the afternoon. though it ended halfway for no apparent reason (foneline got disconnected)... haha, hope you got my message anyway.
- Wei Kiat: for ur message on friendster. thanks for taking the effort to drop me a message.
- Joanne: for ur sms at 11:23. after all these years, u still rembred!
- Kay: for ur sms at 16:02. haha, my insurance agent...
- Kaili: for ur sms at 16:10. i noe Junjie planned something, sorry it didnt work out last minute but appreciated the thoughts. really sweet.
- Irene: for ur sms at 17:51. i thought ill nv hear from u but deep down i noe u rembred. and thank u gal, for taking the time to send me a text despite having to take care of your 2 bao-beis. and thanks for being my support all these years even though we do not often have the luxury of time to meet up as much as we'd like to these days.
- Jillyn: for ur sms at 17:56. haha, ur instincts didnt fail u!
- Junjie: for ur sms n msn messages.... and for the very very sweet efforts that you had initially planned for me. i'm truly sorry that it didnt work out, due to the last minute changes, but knowing tt u had wanted to plan a special evening is more den enuf.
- Ivan, Uncle John + Aunt Cindy: for ur sms at 20:10. ur constant encouragement and support is much appreciated.
- Xinying: for ur sms at 21:36.
- Kyn: for ur msn message. thanks for taking time to do it, despite ur hectic work schedule which i noe ur being put through. hope you get back to sg soon so that we can catch up and have a good time together yeah!
- Yanting: for ur msn message.
- Caden: for ur call! haha... nice to hear from u after such a long while.
- Rachel: for ur msn message. actually no i didnt think u forgot, but i thought u didnt noe! haha, anyway i noe u did pass on this info to the boyz so tt they can send me their well wishes, so on tt note, thanks for being the informal messenger... haha.. be strong girl, u noe we'll always be there for u when u need a shoulder to lean on. the desk beside me is still empty, so feel free to come occupy it when u need it. hehe.
- Desmond: for ur msn message, even though u needed the alarm to remind u... haha but well u bothered to make a note, and that touched me.
- Helen: for ur msn message. thank u for making the effort to wait for me to be online. and im glad we have finally faced up to probs we have avoided before. thanks for cherishing our friendship the same way i do, and we'll meet up when u do come back for ur graduation soon.
My following colleagues at work who at my "request" gave me what i needed on my bdae. an external hard drive. and i really hope they did not spend too much as i noe everyone has a budget to keep to. rest aasure that this gift will be treasured and used till the end of time. =D
- Karis: for ur sms at 00:15, and for ur constant / relentless support u have given me each time i have turned to u for a listening ear.
- Jeanette + Larry: for ur sms at 01:24. i believe we will have an enjoyable bali trip!
- Eileen (my ai-ren): for ur sms at 08:22 + making the trip to prepare the cake for me.
- Leon: for accompanying ai-ren to get the cake for me. heh.
- Li Hwee: for ur sms at 09:02 and ur e-card. haha... and "tuo ni de fu", I didnt have another chocolate cake to eat at night (thankfully)... hehehe
- Megan: for ur sms at 09:55, even though ur sick and on medical leave.
- Kippy: for making the special trip down to sim lim to get the hard drive over the weekend, and offering me the tea when i was so bloated from lunch. *much appreciated*
- Delaine: for the present and the scrumptious lunch we had, and haha another reason for u to rembr my birthdae cos u've only got to rembr the month =P
- Elyn: for the present, the scrumptious lunch we had and the ecard. hehe, no kidding about ur turn coming soon, so better start wrecking ur brains to see what we can get for ya! heh.
- Debbie: for the present and the email with the well wishes.
I'll like to thank my mum + her friend who brought me and Sam for dinner. Though it was a simple affair, but I appreciate them for taking the time off and trouble to have this dinner with me.
And lastly, i'll like to thank my dearest bf Sam, for he took leave to keep me company (when i least expected it, bcos he was spposed to be on duty) and to me, this is priceless. Even though we are going through a period where sometimes even we are lost and dumbfounded as to how things can go so wrong, i still love you. and im looking forward to the bali trip to really create a memorable trip for both of us. *hugs*
Some photos taken during lunch:

the superlicious yummy nummy chocolate cake. just for me.

striking a "cute" pose whilst they sing the birthday song for me

posing with the chocolate in hand, capturing its last moments before its being chowed down

thats the external hard drive beneath the nicely wrapped packaging! haha, can i qualify to be a model for product promotions? i seem to be doing it quite nicely in this pic *if i say so* hahaha.
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